My Not So Perfect But Fabulous Life

using my big words to inspire… & hopefully make a difference

And Another Thing… January 14, 2010

Filed under: Being Positive,Crazy,letting go — MDunbar @ 10:07 pm

JB Let's me know how he REALLY feels!

I used to be really good at comebacks. I guess you could say I was that girl who had “And another thing” to say. I had an ex-boyfriend tell me that I had a comeback for every occasion. I am not sure if I should be proud or not but I can tell you that I have lost my gift. Now I am that girl who, two hours after I have had time to process what I have heard, I have a “eureka” moment. It takes me that time to go through the plethora of things in my head for the exact words that I would say. Much like Meg Ryan in “You’ve Got Mail”, I can never think of the biting words I need to set my frenemy on a tilt. On the rare occasion I do, I always regret it.

Much like my lack of spontaneity of ruthless words, I also run through different dramatic outcomes to situations that haven’t even really happened. You know when you only hear a little bit about something and it spirals out of control in your head until you are ready to march in that office and quit! OK, maybe it’s just me…sorry. Miller put my mind at ease that somehow there is someone else out there even a little bit as crazy as I can be.

The plot outlines, the biting comebacks and the frustration and anger that comes with thinking that way, are not healthy. Sure we have to have creative outlets but I much prefer the way in which Miller urges us to react. Instead of getting wrapped up in our own private dialog with the witty person that lives inside our heads, we should focus on the positive things that surround us. That is something that will take quite a bit of work for me. You would not believe the drama that surrounds my life. Working at a church, having the family I have and having a  passion for drama, I mean theatre, I can really create some stress for myself. I am truly going to try to focus my energy on redirection. I will try this week to not embellish or react to the drama that heads my way. I will try my best to let my “enthusiasm, loveliness and spunk” shine through. I certainly do not want to impact those I love with negative vibes from someone else.

Me kicking tomorrow's booty (in a positive way!)

                                    And another thing…Have a great Friday!


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